Law Recorder Pakistan writes a letter to Pakistan Bar Council suggesting to promote the students of LLB without examination.

LAHORE:  Law Recorder Pakistan has written a letter to Pakistan Bar Council suggesting that the students of LLB be passed without examination. The suggestions contained in the letter are reproduced below:

1. Final year students of 3 years LLB and 5 Years LLB programme be allowed to appear for online examination, and they may also be instructed to submit a research paper on their respective subjects.

2. In case of those final year students who have not cleared their paper(s) of previous year and were supposed to take that specific paper in supplementary examination, they may take that exam online and they may also be asked to submit the research paper of that particular subject.

3. LLB-I students, may be promoted to next class or semester on the basis of their class performance/internal examination. Students of LLB-II of 3 years programme and students of LLB-II, III, IV of LLB 5 years programme may be promoted to next class/semester on the basis of previous marks/grades. In addition to that, all these students may also be asked for assignment submission.


Note: If you agree with our suggestions kindly give it a share. Any other suggestions will be welcomed by Team Law Recorder Pakistan. 

1 Comment

  • Ahmad Saleem Chohan
    Posted June 30, 2020 2:21 pm

    Good Effort

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