Rules of Court Regarding Hearings and The Reading of Judgments By Video Link

THE HAGUE, 25 June 2020. As part of the ongoing review of its procedures and working methods, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations, has amended Articles 59 and 94 of its Rules.

The amendment to Article 59 makes clear that the Court may decide, for health, security or other compelling reasons, to hold a hearing entirely or in part by video link. This amendment is contained in a new paragraph 2 of Article 59; the previous Article 59 has been renumbered as Article 59, paragraph 1. The amendment to Article 94 is in existing paragraph 2 and provides that the reading of the Court’s judgment in a case may also take place by video link, when this is necessary for health, security or other compelling reasons.

The amended rules enter into force as of today.

Amendments to Articles 59 and 94 the Rules of Court


New Paragraph 2 of Article 59

The Court may decide, for health, security or other compelling reasons, to hold a hearing entirely or in part by video link. The parties shall be consulted on the organization of such a hearing.


Amended Paragraph 2 of Article 94

The judgment shall be read at a public sitting of the Court. The Court may decide, for health, security or other compelling reasons, that the judgment shall be read at a sitting of the Court accessible to the parties and the public by video link. The judgment shall become binding on the parties on the day of the reading.

Compiled By: Salman Ahmed

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